“Planes make people sick,” she says, but I don’t think I got this terrible coughing bug from the plane. Cruz was coughing when I got home and kept saying, “Momma, I sick.” Poor baby. All he wanted was to lie in my lap and drink out of my water. A few days later, I was sick, too.
Really sick. Maybe the trip wore me down. Maybe coming home to all kinds of little stresses stressed me out. Maybe this sickness is God’s way of saying, “Just let it all go and rest awhile.”
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest, Matthew 11:28. I love this passage. That God knows we grow weary. That God sees our burdens. That God promises us rest.
Who doesn’t need rest?
The house is a mess, but I will rest. Ministry is calling, but I will rest. There’s work to be done, but I will rest. Because we must remind ourselves rest is not an option. It’s essential for human beings. Like food. Like air. Like love.
I am a get-it-done girl by nature. Even sick, I wouldn’t rest. “Mom, are you resting?” My son asked me this morning. I could hear the anxiety in his voice. There’s history here.
After my stint in the hospital a few years ago, I’ve learned I must rest. And my boys have learned Mom can break. No more pushing through the pain. Breaking was a wake up call.
I don’t know where you’re at today. Maybe you feel terrific. Maybe you’re ready to run up a mountain. But if for some reason you are sick and tired, or just plain tired, here is my prayer for you.
Jesus, we need rest. Quiet the day so we can rest. Quiet this hour so we can rest. Quiet our hearts so we can rest. You are the God who created rest. On the seventh day you rested. Help us obey your command to rest. Thank you, Lord that we can come to you weary. Come to you burdened. And in your love and mercy and amazing grace you give us rest. Amen.
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