This past weekend the sunset was so pretty. Driving home on our backroad, I snapped this photo through the windshield with Scott driving. The winding road reminds me of our journey with baby Benjamin. We still don’t know what’s up ahead, but God goes before us, and we are confident we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, Psalm 27:13.
Lacy is having a rough pregnancy. She is sick a lot and having trouble gaining weight. Please pray for her. In just one more month Benjamin is due and Lacy will need all the strength God will give her to deliver Benjamin. If baby Ben does indeed still have Trisomy 18, the chances of him arriving early are pretty high say the experts, so we’ve been holding our breath hoping to make it through December.
If we make it through December
Everything’s gonna be all right I know
It’s the coldest time of winter
And I shiver when I see the falling snow
If we make it through December
Got plans to be in a warmer town come summertime
Maybe even California
If we make it through December we’ll be fine…
Merle Haggard sang this song in 1974 when I was a little girl. Nearly every December these lyrics run through my head. With seven kids and now a handful of grandbabies, December is always a challenge. I love buying gifts but our budget is tight in the wintertime. Especially December. How could you not love finding the perfect gift for this girl, Benjamin’s big sister Lily?
Lacy has inherited my love of gift-giving and for my Pearl Harbor birthday she set up a private ultrasound. We got to see Benjamin rolling around, practicing his breathing, and opening his eyes last week. He looks perfect and precious and we couldn’t see the hole in his heart. His heart looked good in the 3D ultrasound, so we were encouraged and of course, our hopes for a miracle have soared again.
We are also excited that the Christmas star will appear this year for the first time in 800 years. Our family will gather on December 21st to view the star together. Lacy has a telescope and we hope to see the star that guided the wise men to baby Jesus in Bethlehem.
With California back in a tight lockdown, Christmas this year is certainly different. I’ve been reminding myself that each day is a miracle. Every sunrise and sunset are a miracle. The Christmas star shining in 2020 is a miracle. Jake and Lacy’s love story is still a wonderful miracle. I blogged about how Jesus brought them together four years ago if you want to venture into my archives.
If you are going through something hard right now please remember, the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness, Lamentations 3:22-23. Life can be hard but Jesus is Immanuel, God with us. If you need prayer too, just shoot me an email or leave a comment. I am happy to pray for you.
Love you dear friends! Thank you for walking this hard road with us. There is light up ahead with the Christmas star rising this week…
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