Hello Motherhood!
Two decades ago you labored into my life turning this night person into a morning person in the blink of a sleepy eye. Snoozing through sunrise became a thing of the past, along with about everything else indulgent in my life.
Before you, I spent an hour curling my hair most mornings. After you, a ponytail became my best friend. I used to dress up and go out on the town. Now I dress down and go barefoot around the house. I’ve learned to cook, clean, and change a diaper with a baby on my hip. Some women accessorize with jewelry and scarfs. Toddlers and stains are my fashion statement. I haven’t worn earrings since our first son ripped the hoops from my lobes in 1998.
Because of you, raising kids has raised me up. I now think of others more than myself. I go without so my kids have all they need. I’ve learned it really is better to give than to receive.
Last to eat.
Last to sleep.
Last to fix my teeth.
Because of you, I gladly go last in life.
You aren’t pretty, but some moments you’re so beautiful you take my breath away. When I least expect it, you melt my heart. The work never ends, but at the end of the day, when the darlings are down with their precious little faces framed by their pillows, I am convinced I was born to be a mother.
Then there are days when I’m six feet past the end of my rope. The two-year-old’s eating dog food and the five-year-old running down the driveway. The eight and ten-year-olds have upset the five-year-old by climbing trees and tossing cherries at him. The fifteen-year-old has his headphones on and can’t hear me yelling for help.
Sometimes these boys are more than I can handle.
But I look at our girls and realize children grow up all too quickly. How I miss painting tiny toenails and braiding sun-kissed hair. I remember the day I quit cussing so our daughters didn’t learn dirty words.
How ten years into my marriage, I didn’t walk out the door when I wanted to because of my little ones. When things got hard, I got on my knees, and got right with God because of you, Motherhood.
You’ve taught me so much about life and myself. About the power of saying sorry and the perseverance of trying again.
So much grace you have given me.
Our first baby we took to German pubs in a backpack. Where I went, she went, and neither one of us knew what the heck we were doing. A brainless, twenty-three-year-old girl raising a baby girl in Europe, and yet it all worked out.
So this Mother’s Day, I want to thank you. You have nourished me with joy, and spoon-fed me sorrow. You’ve given me grief, but so much more have you gowned me with goodness. Through it all, you have been the biggest reason I get out of bed in the morning and why I still fall into bed at night.
You exhaust and exhilarate me.
Crush and complete me.
Like grapes turned to wine.
How I thank God for you, Motherhood!
Because of you, I’ve grown into me.
Happy Mother’s Day
to all you amazing moms out there.
You are worth far more than you realize!
Our crew of kids. Love them! There’s twenty years between our oldest and youngest child. God does have a sense of humor!
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