After two weeks of illness, JoJo is finally on the mend, but Baby Cruz is sick now. And I’ve been sick. So sick I spent the bulk of this week in bed. Scott has missed work. Our older kids have missed school. My mom missed Bible study, caring for me in shifts while I struggle to nurse the baby every few hours because all he wants is warm milk since he’s sick, too. And I have a secondary infection that makes nursing agony, and in praying for healing, I’ve about pounded down heaven’s door, but all I hear is, “Trust and wait and gather your sand dollars.”
But yesterday, I read this story in one of my devotions, and I just had to share it with you, my blog friends.
Here is the piece I found golden:
As Dr. C. stood on a high peak of the Rocky Mountains watching a storm raging below him, an eagle came up through the clouds and soared away toward the sun, and the water upon him glistened in the sunlight like diamonds. Had it not been for the storm the eagle might have remained in the valley. The sorrows of life cause us to rise toward God~ from Streams in the Desert.
So now I’m praying to be like that eagle rising through the clouds with rain turning to diamonds on my wings. And if any of you are struggling– if you have storms in your life, and I know some of you do: Heart storms, health storms, money storms, marriage storms, children storms, family storms, and cancer storms– I’m praying for you to fly high today.
Soar into your storm knowing God is on the other side.
Waiting for you.
Watching for you.
Beckoning you through with the promises of His Word.
With the sureness of His Presence.
With the sealing of His peace.
And He tells us this, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” John 16:33.
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