One of the devotions I read is called Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts. It was first published in 1963 and was given to me by one of the most godly among women I have ever known, Pauline Berry. I was going to put this entry into more modern terms for you all, but decided instead to just copy it straight from the page so I didn’t mess it up. I read this devotion today and felt compelled to share it on my blog for this week. I hope it arrows through your heart the way it did mine this morning. May the Holy Spirit set your hearts on fire as you study it. Prayers for a wonderful weekend in our Lord.
Cherish My Words
O My Children, obey My words. Do not wander in unbelief and darkness, but let the scripture shine as a light upon thy path. My Words shall be life unto thee, for My commandments are given for thy health and for any preservation. They will guard thee from folly and guide thee away from danger.
Hide My commandments in thy heart, and make them the law of thy life. Cherish My words, and take not lightly the least of them. I have not given them to bind thee, but to bring thee into the life of greatest joy and truest liberty.
I have asked thee to give , in order that I may bless thee more. I have challenged thee to pray, that I may respond and help thee. I have asked thee to rejoice, in order to keep thee from being swallowed up by anxieties. I have asked thee to be humble, to protect thee from the calamities that fall upon the proud. I have asked thee to forgive, so as to make thy heart fit to receive My forgiveness. I have asked thee not to love the world, for I would have thee loosed from unnecessary entanglements, and free to follow Me.
Sanctification is accomplished in no one by accident. Learn My rules, and put them into practice consistently if ye desire to see progress in the growth of they soul. Holiness is not a feeling — it is the end product of obedience. Purity is not a gift — it is the result of repentance and a serious pursuit of God.
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