I’m a former newspaper reporter, a once-upon-a-time military wife, and a fifth-generation farmer in Sutter County, California. Home of the smallest mountain range in the world. The Sutter Buttes. Thanks to all of you, I’m now a bestselling author too.

My real name is not Paula Scott. This is us: Paula and Scott. Two kids who fell in love as teenagers and are still together three decades later. My husband is my great romance. I’m so grateful God has kept us all these years. Scott runs my website and helps me out of countless computer messes. He really is the other half of this author gig. It’s a wonder I can even write a book. I can barely run my laptop, but I can pick peaches. Come May, Scott, and I turn into farmers and harvest our stone fruit all summer. When autumn arrives, I write again, and Scott returns to teaching high school students and coaching football.
We had our first three babies in our twenties, then waited five years and had four more. People always ask, “Did all these kids come out of you?” By the grace of God, yes, they did. For a decade, I could hardly remember my name, I was so exhausted raising kids, but things are fun now with the grandbabies coming and our younger sons growing up and playing sports.
The hardest things in life have been the best things. All seven of my pregnancies were hard, but this gave us beautiful babies. Working on our farm is hard, but it has granted us the perspective that life should be a labor of love. I never thought I’d end up a farmer and an author too. Strange, I know, but it works just fine. I even did a book signing in our orchard during the covid lockdown in California. Thank you for taking the time to find out more about me. A few more things I love: coffee at sunrise with lots of cream and sugar, old cowboy boots with real dirt on them, proving I’ve worked hard or had a good time, and sitting on the porch swing with Scott at sundown when I’m tired. Wishing you a harvest of faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.
Sweet Peace, Paula