Benjamin’s Celebration of Life was just family on a cold day in February due to Covid restrictions. Lacy and Jake wanted to share the ceremony with everyone, so they had a video made. We finally received the video yesterday.
Ben’s ashes were scattered on the pond behind Lacy and Jake’s home in the Butte Sink as we all sang and released biodegradable lanterns into the sky. It was a stunning day of smiles, tears, and the touch of God’s hand. We are so thankful for Ben’s one-minute life. That’s how long our grandson lived after he was born. And then Ben became an organ donor, allowing several other babies to keep on living.
We hope someday to hear from the families of the babies who received pieces of Ben’s heart. I now wear some of Ben’s ashes in a tiny silver heart-shaped urn around my neck. The heart-shaped necklace reminds me of the reason God loves sinners. Every time I wear it, I cry. But I’ve begun to smile now too.
Anyone who receives Jesus as their savior gets pieces of the Lord’s heart. When God sees his Son’s heart in us, he simply and completely loves us. It has nothing to do with what we’ve done or haven’t done or what we will ever do good or bad. It’s what Jesus did on the cross that makes God love us.
I simply and completely love the babies that now have pieces of Ben’s heart. I don’t know these little ones. I’ve never met them and maybe never will but I will always love them because Ben lives on in them.
Thank you for praying for Lacy and Jake. Hope you enjoy the video of Benjamin’s celebration of life. And thank you for walking this hard road with us. We love and so appreciate all of you.
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