After briefly assuring him with my eyes, I look out the window at the sheep along the road. Lambs everywhere. The grass emerald green on the rolling hills of the Sutter Buttes.
“What’s a condom?” he inquires softly.
I swallow… here we go… I watch a lamb race away from his mother across a meadow with a meandering stream. How I love driving through these buttes every day with my children to get to town. “A condom stops babies from coming…” I pray as I talk. Please, Jesus help me explain this well. I give a brief lesson on the way babies arrive as we drive. My son listens hard.
“Any more questions?” I say, feeling as if we’re doing fine. Good talk so far. More lambs and sheep along the road. I’m smiling. We are his sheep, he knows us by name. We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
“What’s a flavored condom?” My son says soft as the eye of a storm. He watches the lambs too, his gaze intent on avoidance.
Did I hit the breaks? I hear screeching in my mind for a hundred miles. A flavored condom? I’ve never heard of such a thing. My son’s eyes collide with mine for a moment. We are both baffled, yet something is dawning. The knowledge of good and evil. We turn back to the lambs and they still look innocent, but now I see how they must be slaughtered. Grief sweeps over me. I search for fig leaves to cover my mental nakedness.
“Well… that’s quite a question…” I’m swallowing hard now. “Condoms are also used for STDs. Do you know what an STD is?”
“No,” he admits.
I rephrase it. “What VD is?”
I’m so missing the ABCs right now. I flash back to singing in the car with my little boy the ABC song along a distant country road. Have we driven that far away from his childhood?
“No, don’t know VD.” He’s shaking his head, his sun-blonded bangs sweeping his forehead. He looks so young. Everything in me screams that my son will not be slaughtered by sin, but it has already started. My heart aches.
I tell him about STDs. Talk it up trying to scare him. “Sex outside of marriage can kill you…” I find myself sliding into paranoid parent mode and my grief intensifies. Finally I sigh in resignation. “You’re going to have to talk to your dad about the rest of this stuff.”
We leave the buttes and roll into the valley where my son’s school is… Jesus must hike through the Kidron Valley on his way to Jerusalem. Passover on the horizon, and beyond that, the crucifixion. In the Kidron Valley lambs are being slaughtered by the thousands for the upcoming feast. Every Jewish household will need a dead lamb. The streams of the Kidron Valley run red with blood. In sandals, Jesus walks through these streams of sacrifice. Does he see his own sacrifice that will soon bleed him dead?
My son nods looking relieved. In giving up, I’m relieved too. I dwell on why this world needs a flavored condom and how many of those sweet lambs in the Sutter Buttes will be eaten come autumn.
A few days later, I find myself in Sam’s club picking up Axe deodorant for my son. All junior high boys wear Axe, I’m told. On the Axe shelf are two choices of fragrance: Dark Temptations and Phoenix. Of course I choose Phoenix. I don’t want my son covered in Dark Temptation. In the meat section my gaze drifts over the lamb chops. I pick up beef instead.
“Get clean to get dirty,” proclaims the Axe website, which I check out later at home. Pictures of scantily clad women crackle on the web page. It disturbs me that boys are being groomed to fall to temptation by a deodorant company. My husband has talked with our son. I thank the Lord that the boy has a godly father who can answer questions that frighten me.
I’ve been studying what the Bible says about temptation and I know there is a cure for the sexual sin sweeping today’s society. My son doesn’t have to be slaughtered. The cross is in view.
Hebrews 4:15-16 says, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are — yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
This high priest is Jesus and he is the answer to every temptation my son will ever face.
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